ABOUT (en)
"Crazy Raccoon" is a team formed in April 2018, with six divisions: Fortnite, APEX, Valorant, Talent, Streamers, and Creators, and is dedicated to the development of esports under the theme of "making gamers cool and attractive". The company is actively engaged in the development of esports under the theme of "making gamers look cool and attractive".
All of the players in the group boast top-level abilities in Japan, and many of the members are competing on the world stage.
They are also influential influencers, posting videos, streaming, and appearing at events.
Our Twitter and YouTube subscribers exceed several million for the entire team, and we are involved in a variety of events and competitions. We have grown with our players and have signed sponsorship deals with 6 companies, and we are proud of the high regard that companies have for Crazy Raccoon's ability to influence esports.